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[jetty-dev] UncheckedPrintWriter in Jetty 9

Hi all

Way back in 7.0.0, bug JETTY-1086 added a version of PrintWriter that throws IOExceptions rather than the strange default behaviour of swallowing them (cos obviously I can't be trusted to handle myosin exceptions!). From what I can see, although the class is still there in Jetty 9, the Response.ResponseWriter now effectively hard codes this, so there is no chance of wiring in a different writer.

The problem I have is returning fairly bulky (few 100k) XML responses to Rest requests. If the client connection is pulled while the XML transform/write is being done, the HttpWriter detects this, and throws an IOException, which is then swallowed by PrintWriter. This cycles around until the entire stream has been written, with an exception being thrown for every single character in the steam, so it takes a looooong time (hours) before my call to the xalan transformer returns (everything beyond this point is xalan/spring/jetty).

Wiring in the UncheckedPrintWriter in Response worked a charm in 8.1.x, as I got the IOException returned to me, and could handle it appropriately, so what am I suppose to do in Jetty 9, where this is no longer an option? Any advice appreciated; this is a blocker for moving to 9 for us.



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