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Re: [jetty-dev] Jetty Plugin Functionality / Getting rid of Jetty Hightide release at codehaus

Thomas et al,

I was thinking that in regards to configuration, we already have some
modularity support in the form of:

 lib/foo  - contains the jars and dependencies for foo module
 etc/jetty-foo.xml - contains the configuration for foo module.

So it would be good to see if a module system could use this pattern
rather than add another one.

I do see a need for a plugins directory, but mostly to contain meta
data about the plugin and perhaps some example webapps and context xml

The hardest thing for modules, is going to be the manipulation of
start.ini, as it is this file that will ultimately control what
modules are on the classpath and what configurations are executed.  I
see we need a utility to maintain start.ini rather than encouraging
manual editing.


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