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[jetty-build] [Bamboo] Jetty > Eclipse Branch V8.0 > #224 has FAILED (1 tests failed, no failures were new). Change made by 7 authors.

Jetty > Eclipse Branch V8.0 > #224 has failed.
Code has been updated by David Kellum, Jesse McConnell, Thomas Becker, Greg Wilkins, hmalphettes, Jan Bartel, Simone Bordet.
1/1759 tests failed.

Failing Jobs
Default Job (Default Stage) Duration: 19 minutes Tests: 1 of 1759 failed Logs | Artifacts

Code Changes View all 100 code changes
JETTY-1378 new sys property for the latest jsp-impl to force the use of the JDTCompiler when running in OSGi.
Greg Wilkins
Merge branch 'master' into sslClose
Greg Wilkins
removed debug

97 more changes...

Tests See full test details
Existing Test Failures (1)
DefaultHandlerTest : Org.eclipse.jetty.test. default handler test (Default Job)

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