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[jetty-build] [Bamboo] Jetty - Eclipse Trunk V7.0 build 1644 has FAILED (1 tests failed, no failures were new). Change made by Joakim Erdfelt and Michael Gorovoy

Code has been updated by Joakim Erdfelt , Michael Gorovoy .
1/1575 tests failed.

Code Changes View all 4 code changes
Michael Gorovoy
    354014 Improved GzipFilterTest to verify that Content-Length header is passed when mime type is not configured. (version 095cf33010523cabcb232d02cc9d8a9682964550)
Joakim Erdfelt
    Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (version 43e7bcc1a0009838fad424148217eab575985cbb)
Michael Gorovoy
    Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (version 4e4099c821269b50ddab045c3b40c980437fad34)

1 more changes...

Tests See full test details
Failed Tests (1)
WebSocketClientTest : Bad handshake (Existing)

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