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[jetty-build] [Bamboo] Jetty - Hightide-7 build 338 has FAILED (1 tests failed). Change made by 14 authors

JETTY-HIGHTIDE7-338 failed.
Code has been updated by Nik Gonzalez , Michael Gorovoy , James Strachan , Jan Bartel , David Jencks , David Yu , Joakim Erdfelt , Tim Vernum , Jules Gosnell , Jeanfrancois Arcand , Athena Yao , Jesse McConnell , Simone Bordet , Greg Wilkins .
1/65 tests failed.

Code Changes View all 6270 code changes
Jesse McConnell
    [JETTY-883] updated poms for new structure        git-svn-id: c7fae8f8-2506-0410-b6b2-ad6cf81c2737 (version 1159eacb5130dbd10d14105ff132271354ee33eb)
Greg Wilkins
    doco        git-svn-id: c7fae8f8-2506-0410-b6b2-ad6cf81c2737 (version 3f0fb9d588dbd83205d992cc2ecf2e037d167ca2)
Jan Bartel
    Make mx4j used only if runtime jdk < 1.5            git-svn-id: c7fae8f8-2506-0410-b6b2-ad6cf81c2737 (version f61aebbebb05f2010261420820838ba64b4f0a8f)

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Tests See full test details
Failed Tests (1)
RollingFileLogDistroTest : Logging (New)

JIRA Issues See all 563 issues more
1-7 (Related)
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GERONIMO-2677 (Related)
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ISSUE-1044 (Related)
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