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Re: [jersey-dev] Jax-rs Jersey MBean Monitoring Attributes Filtering


Assuming you are talking about Jersey monitoring [1], this is an issue we face, we would like to come with a proper solution to purge the data automatically. It would be good to introduce some kind of strategies to purge them automatically, perhaps based on the age, or on the amount of memory consumed. Maybe we can provide some other options, too. Reviewing the monitoring is a bigger task, that likely won't happen in 2.32, though.




On 07.08.2020 9:45, Evan Lu wrote:
Hello Jersey-Dev,

After enabling the MBean metrics in Jersey server, there are too many metrics in mbean server. I am looking a way to reduce the metric attributes that I don't need to reduce memory usage. Is there a way/config to achieve my purpose? Thanks!


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