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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Eclipse plugin and JFX8

JavaFX is not accessible in OSGi bundles, see .

Maybe there are ways to work around that, but this is not the right forum 
for that question (a problem between JavaFX and OSGi).


jdt-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 2014-04-14 18:37:15:

> From: Eric Le Ponner <eric.le.ponner@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: 2014-04-14 18:37
> Subject: [jdt-ui-dev] Eclipse plugin and JFX8
> Sent by: jdt-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Hi Folks,
> I’m trying to make an Eclipse plugin which creates some JFX8 objects (an 
> and a Label). I’m using Luna (Build id: I20140325-0830).
> By adding a « javafx/** » permission and jfxswt.jar to my plugin, I am 
able to 
> compile my code.
> However when I run, my plugin does not find FX classes:
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.scene.Parent cannot 
be found by osgi.identity; 
osgi.identity=""; type="osgi.bundle"; 
version:Version="1.0.0.qualifier"; singleton:="true"
>    at 
>    at 
>    at 
>    at 
>    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>    ... 134 more
> I searched the web and did some trials (moving jfxrt.jar in boot class 
path, setting 
> osgi.frameworkParentClassloader=ext…). But no luck : my plugin is unable 
to find FX8 classes.
> I’m not sure about what I should do to fix it.
> I probably miss something obvious (I’m an Eclipse newbie).
> Any help/pointer would be appreciated.
> Cheers.
> Eric
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> jdt-ui-dev mailing list
> jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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