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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Help wanted to develop a code generator plug-in

I am also interested in the "users" version of jdt-ui
is there a jdt-ui-users@xxxxxxxxxxx ?

On 9/7/07, Eclipse Questions <eclipse.questions@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Everybody
Please forgive me if the mail is sent to the wrong mailing group and direct me to the right one.
I am trying to create an eclipse plug-in which will generate code for an interface, based on the selected Java class in the Package Explorer.
I am able to display my action in the context menu of the Package Explorer. But I have no clue as to how to find the which Java Class(es) is/ are selected along with their package names.
I understand that Package Explorer is a viewer and a viewer is associated with Content Providers and the leafs (files, packages) are actual objects.
I am trying to implement the org.eclipse.ui.IViewActionDelegate for the action handlers, but I do not have any clue as to how to retrieve the details of the selected class(es).
Please help me with the API details of classes/ interfaces to be used to go about in creating this plug-in.
Thanks and Regards
Prashant Vasha
(+91 98231 02661)

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