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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Location in editor problems when source is folded

Hi Per,

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Having said that, you need to convert forth and back between document model offsets and display offsets. See ITextViewerExtension5 and search for its usage in the eclipse code base.


Per Bovbjerg wrote:

Hope this isn't to tediuos a question, here goes:

I have made a plugin that displays some information on top of a method int he editor when I get an event.

The following code works fine when nothing is folding in the editor, but if I fold a long list of import statements the location returned by this code is off by quite a bit, and in some cases I get an "Index out of bounds" from StyledText.getLocationAtOffset(int offset).

if (mElement instanceof IMethod) {
        IMethod method = (IMethod) mElement;
        Point methodP = new Point(0, 0);
        try {
                int offset = method.getSourceRange().getOffset();
                int methodOffset = method.getNameRange().getOffset();
                Point p = mSt.getLocationAtOffset(offset);
                methodP = mSt.getLocationAtOffset(methodOffset);
                methodP.x = p.x;
                methodP.y -= getTag().getBounds().height;
        } catch (JavaModelException e) {
log.error(ACView.getPrefix() + "Error setting position", e);

mElement is of type IJavaElement
and I have checked for:
mElement.getElementType() == IJavaElement.METHOD

mSt is off type StyledText.

Im a bit unsure of how Im supposed to handle folding in the editor, or am I doing something totally wrong?

Any help is much appreciated on how I always retrieve the correct possition of the element.



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