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[jdt-ui-dev] 3.2 M6 Test Grid

Below is the combined test plan for Platform Compare, Platform Search,
Platform Text, JDT Text and JDT UI. Let me know if you would like to
participate in todays testing day.

(See attached file: M6_Test_Plan.html)

Title: 3.2 M6 Test Plan

3.2 M6 Test Grid

Test day: Tuesday, 2006-03-28
Test Build: I20060328-0010
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Benno, Dani, Markus, Martin, Tobias


  • test new functionality added after M5
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed

Verification of Bugs (ALL)

There are 23 so everyone should verify about 5 bugs.
Before starting to verify a bug add a comment to the bug.

Quick Fix (Tobias, Markus)

  • quick fix for misspelled SuppressWarnings tokens, e.g. @SuppressWarnings("unused")
  • quick fix for fall-through switch statements

Search (Dani, Benno):

  • Multiple search views: Highlight all search result at once
Category Filters (Tobias, Dani)
Test Outline, Quick Outline and Members view
  • verify that filers are correctly applied and updated
  • verify that view menus get updated correctly
CVS Annotate in Editor (Benno, Tobias)
  • verify correctness of the new CVS Annotate feature shown in editors
  • verify usability
Hint for Missing Javadoc Hover (Martin, Tobias)
  • verify that the Javadoc hover appears for elements that have no source and no Javadoc attached and gives a hint how to fix this
Regex Content Assist in Find/Replace Dialog (Markus, Martin)
  • verify that the content assist UI works as it in M5
Find Broken NLS Keys Action (Dani, Markus)
Test traditional and Eclipse style NLS method
  • test enablement in main and view context menus
  • test that it does not appear in editor context menu
    • verify that unused keys in property files are detected
    • verify that unused keys (i.e. static fields) in Message class are found
    • verify that missing keys in CU are found
NLS Tooling (Dani, Tobias)
Test traditional and Eclipse style NLS method. Verify
  • NLS hover for keys in Java editor show NLSed string
  • Ctrl+Click navigation from key in Java editor jumps to key in the properties file
  • Ctrl+Click navigation from key in Properties File editor jumps to key(s) in the CU$
  • NLS Keys search page is no longer available
Java-aware Synchronize Mode (Benno, Martin)
  • Enable CVS synchronization with models
  • Verify that the changes in the Java model correspond to the one from the Workspace model
Generate hashCode()/equals() (Benno, Martin)
  • test code generation for type hierarchies with missing implementations on hierarchy path
Replace JAR file (Martin, Dani)
  • test that refactorings working below method level can also be executed on JAR files if source attachment is available
  • verify that correct error messages are generated if no source attachment is found
  • test that the refactoring wizard finds the input elements of the refactorings
Fix Deprecation (Martin, Dani)
  • verify that there is a QuickAssist "Create inline deprecation script" available for deprecated constant and method declarations
  • verify that a counterpart "Fix Deprecation" is available on references to deprecated constants and methods
  • test fixing deprecations from JAR files exported with the JAR Export Wizard using option "Include quick fix scripts to resolve deprecations"
Extract Local Variable (Tobias, Benno)
  • verify that a block is introduced in situations like bug 120811.
  • deleting the default package should not delete subpackages nor files in source folders or project
  • Inline Method
    • test with binary methods
  • test local refactorings (those that only affect 1 file) in a CU with compile errors
    • Extract Method / Local Variable / Constant, Convert Anonymous to Nested, Convert Local to Field
Extract Supertype refactoring (Markus, Benno)
  • test availability of refactoring
  • verify that the dialog to browse for types only shows source types on the same hierarchy level as the input type
  • verify that the extracted type is correctly generated

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