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[jdt-ui-dev] JDT-UI commit rights for Benno Baumgartner

6 jdt.ui committers submitted a vote and all of them supported the request for JDT-UI commit rights for Benno Baumgartner. I'm therefore happy to forward the suggestion to the PMC!

Benno should get commit rights to the same projects as Markus Keller and Tobias Widmer.

Martin Aeschlimann
JDT UI lead

----- Forwarded by Martin Aeschlimann/Zurich/IBM on 12/01/2005 02:14 PM -----
Martin Aeschlimann/Zurich/IBM

11/22/2005 04:11 PM

Commit rights for Benno Baumgartner

Benno Baumgartner has been working the past several months on the clean-up action and submitted patches to various other areas including UI and refactoring.
His work has been of quality, and I suggest he should receive commit rights to jdt-ui. JDT UI commiters, please vote!


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