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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] making the document read-only in javaEditor

Check Tom's answer in the newsgroup. This list is reserved for the
development of JDT UI itself.


             <bajracharya@gmai                                          To 
   >                    jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
             Sent by:                                                   cc 
             s@xxxxxxxxxxx                                         Subject 
                                       [jdt-ui-dev] making the document    
                                       read-only in javaEditor             
             29.09.2005 22:32                                              
             Please respond to                                             
                edu; Please                                                
                respond to                                                 
              "Eclipse JDT UI                                              
             developers list."                                             

I posted this earlier in, but did not get a reply so I
hope someone here can help me..


something like this has been in discussion twice in this newsgroup but
still I see no solutions yet. Here are the details...

#problem: Using the Java Editor (CompilationUnitEditor), how to make
certain parts inside the editor read only ?


i am still figuring out what is the right way to do this. First approach
that works is defining a collection of Positions for the document (source)
being edited, track the cursor within these positions and once the cursor
is inside the position, disable editing in the editor (in StyledText from
the CompilationUnitEditor)

the problem with the above is it cannot bypass the Key bindings for quick
edit like Ctrl+E for deleting the line (and when the selected text is not
the whole line but only some text in a line), for that i'll have to track
whether the positions to be protected are in the line that'll be removed.
This seems bit inelegant. And, is there a way to iterate all
possible edits that can be made in the document excluding those that
are made by directly manipulating the text?

a quick search in eclipse's dev newsgroup points to two things

- *make the File readonly*: I tried this (calling setReadOnly(true) for the
File) but, this again has the problem of locking up the document is a sense
that it cannot be made writable again w/o closing and reopening the file

- *make the Document readonly*: i still have not found the way to do this.
here, I am refereing to the 'Document' instance returned by the
DocumentProvider of the editor. I actually do not see the the Document
class and its parent/childs in the tree have any operations that support
making the document read only. So I am still wandering what does it mean to
say make the Document read-only (read this as an option in the newsgroup
and lost the link). i can think of listening to the IDocumentListener so
that I can get inside the pre change method and cancel the change to be
performed, something like -

documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event)
 {..I want to cancel this change request here..}

but this doesnot seem to be possible.

I am quite lost now.

i would appreciate any pointer to the right direction regarding this.

- sushil

Sushil Krishna Bajracharya
Department of Informatics
Bren School of ICS, UCI
jdt-ui-dev mailing list

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