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[jdt-ui-dev] 3.2 M2 JDT-UI / Test Test Grid

Hi all,

I attached the combined test plan for the 3.2 M2 test pass for the following components:

   * JDT-UI
   * JDT-Text
   * Platform-Text
   * Platform-Search
   * Platform-Compare

If you would like to join the test effort, please drop a note to the list or myself.

Title: 3.2 M2 Test Grid

3.2 M2 Test Grid

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


This test grid covers the following components

  • JDT UI
  • Platform/JDT Text
  • Platform Search
  • Platform Compare


  • test new functionality added since M1
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed


  • Benno
  • Dani
  • Martin
  • Philipp
  • Tobias
  • Tom
  • AndrĂ© (mix-in for Mac specifics)

Verification of Bugs (ALL)

There are 83 so everyone should verify 14.
Before starting to verify add a comment that you take a bug for verification.

Hierarchical Package rename (Benno, Dani) (FAQ: Markus / Martin)

  • test hierarchical package rename (with setups I wouldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams, so I can't list them here ;-)

Filtering support for refactoring preview page (Martin, Philipp) (FAQ: Dirk / Tobias)

  • test that it is working for textual matches
  • test turning on/off filters
  • use the arrow buttons to navigate to the next change. Make sure that all changes can be reached.

Working set support for actions (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Dirk / Martin)

Select working sets in the package explore and check the following actions:
  • Refresh from local
  • Open/Close projects. The action should be available if one project is closed/open
  • working sets can be used as "Selected Resource" scope for Java and text search.

Annotation operations (Martin, Philipp) (FAQ: Dani)

  • test annotation navigation in Text and Java editor
  • test annotation hovers in Text and Java editor

Hyperlink Navigation (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Dani)

  • test hyperlink navigation when editor is not active
  • test in Java and text editors

Filebuffer Operations (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Dani)

Test that file buffer operations are only applied to text files:
  • convert line delimiters
  • remove trailing whitespace

New Quick Fixes (Benno, Dani) (FAQ: Martin)

Test the following new quick fixes:
  • remove unnecessary NON-NLS tags
  • "the assignment has no effect" x= x
  • [quick assist] "Change 'if-else' statements to blocks" should handle 'else if' sequences

Method override info on methods with type parameters (Benno, Dani) (FAQ: Martin)

  • test lock mode in type hierarchy view
  • test override indicators on methods not open in the editor

New Java formatter options (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

  • indent empty lines
  • line wrapping in assignments

Misc (Benno, Dani) (FAQ: Martin)

  • context menu in search view should now show all actions for Java elements (refactorings, source actions...)

Content Assist Participants (Martin, Philipp) (FAQ: Tom)

Test the following features:
  • repeated invocation of code assist cycles through different categories
  • use the preference page (Java>Editor>Assist>Work in Progress) to customize the behavior
  • use the menu (Edit>Content Assist...) to invoke assistance
  • assign key bindings to a specific proposal category
  • test with different content assist preferences: prefix completion, auto insert single proposal, parameter insertion, overwrite vs. insert

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