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[jdt-ui-dev] Javadoc Generator/Builder Plugin

Hello All,
I'll try this again with a subject this time. :-)
About a year ago, I wrote asking if anyone would be interested in a plugin that would satisfy the following:
1) Generate javadoc HTML without a javadoc.exe on your path (avoid having to launch/wait on the OS's javadoc.exe process)
2) Provide an extension point to allow a client to define custom HTML handlers for their custom tags
3) Provide a codebase that is extensible by clients to write their own javadoc documents or customize the way that the HTML document is generated
4) Available under an open EPL license
I mocked up such a tool and proved that it is possible to use the JDT to  accomplish the tasks. I would say that it is 60% of the way to meeting its goals. Mostly it is just lacking performance optimizations and 100% of the HTML documentation features of the javadoc.exe. The results already appear very similar to the HTML generated by the javadoc.exe with the standard doclet.
First of all, I was wondering whether there are any users interested in this tool?
I don't have the time at the moment to maintain this tool. Is there anyone interested in taking the code and making it polished enough to be part of the JDT in the future?
Some interesting future possibilities for this tool:
- Eclipse PDE entity support (Extensions, Extension Points and Dependencies seemlessly integrated into the Javadoc experience)
- Incremental rendering (the builder could simply regenerate only those HTML files that are affected by changes to java source or javadoc)
Chris McGee

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