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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Vote for new committer



Friday, October 08, 2004 4:56 PM
To: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: Dirk Baeumer/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH
Subject: [jdt-ui-dev] Vote for new committer

Tobias Widmer (IBM OTI Labs Zurich) has been working with the
Zurich teams as a coop and now as a full time employee.

During his coop term he contributed Javadoc formatting and the
spell checking support for the Java editor. Since he works as a
full time employee he contributed lots of small fixes, the rename
parameter type refactoring and the serial version id quick fix.
Additionally he improved existing refactorings to handle generics
correctly (pull up, push down, move member type, ...).

Tobias has a good understanding of the JDT/UI codebase and his
contributions are solid and of high quality.

I ask the committers of the JDT/UI component for their vote to
grant Tobias Widmer commit rights.



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