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[jdt-ui-dev] M9 Test Grid with assignments

Here is the test plan with assignments. The idea is to test first  the 
features where you are first in the list of testers, then the ones where 
you are second (to make sure that each feature is tested by at least one 

There are also 40 bugs to verify, so around 5 per person...

When testing rename, move, and delete refactorings, please have the 
attached test plugin installed.

You can start testing now with I20040518-0816.


Title: 3.0 M9 Test Grid

3.0 M9 Test Grid

Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

Tested Components

This test grid covers the following components:
  • Platform Compare
  • Platform Search
  • Platform Text
  • JDT Text
  • JDT UI


  • test new functions added since M8
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed

Testers (So Far)

Christof, Dani, Dirk, Kai, Markus, Martin, Thomas, Tom

Everybody from the community is welcome to help with testing. Please send a note to this list if you want to help testing the 3.0 M9 candidate.

Text Features

Semantic Highlighting (Java > Editor > Syntax): Markus, Thomas

  • Test all preferences in .java and .class files
  • Test damage/repair behavior with invalid ASTs
  • Verify that italic support for syntax highlighting ('advanced' and not 'advanced') works
  • Verify that advanced (semantic) highlighting in previewer on preference page works

Java Task Tags: Dirk, Thomas

  • verify that case-insensitive Task Tag support works

Code Folding: Christof, Martin

  • Test keybindings and vertical ruler context menu
  • Test preferences for initial folding
  • Test behavior with syntax errors (also save and reopen damaged files)
  • Test behavior of expand/collapse annotations in vertical ruler
  • Test cursor feedback (change to hand cursor) of expand/collapse annotations in vertical ruler

Shared Editor Preference Pages:

  • Verify that Quick Diff and Annotation preferences are picked up by Text, Java (source and class file) and Ant editor
  • Verify that adjustable text selection fore-/background color in Text and Java editor work

Reworked Java Editor Hover Preference Page: Markus, Martin

  • Verify that page works
  • Verify that preferences are picked up by Java editor

Mark Occurrences: Christof, Tom

  • Test Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences
  • Test Toolbar button and keybinding
  • Test each available mark occurrence feature (see Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences preference page)
  • Test support for marking method exits

Adding an exclusion filter for an open CU: Kai, Martin

Smart  Backspace interaction: Martin, Kai

  • <>Test various combinations of semicolon, opening brace, correct indent and backspace
  • Test in different partition types (strings, java)

JDT/UI & Refactoring Features

Extract method: Dani, Markus

  • test support for defining the destination type for code extracted from local or non static member types

Quick Menu for refactor and source menus: Thomas, Tom

  • pops up at reasonable position
  • no testing is needed for the content since it uses the same code as the context menu

Refactoring Participants: Tom, Kai

  • install provided refactoring participant plug-in (see attachment:
  • perform all rename/move and delete refactorings. Make sure that no exceptions are thrown.

Move Compilation Unit (.java files): Tom, Christof

  • Refactor > Move...: verify that target tree doesn't show CUs and sub-cu elements
  • Verify that no on-demand imports (pkg.*) are created in referencing CUs

Move Static Members and Change Method Signature Refactorings: Martin, Thomas

  • Verify that no unused imports are left in modified CUs

Inclusion Filters for Source Folders: Markus, Tom

  • Verify that Inclusion and Exclusion Filters for source folders work as expected (Java project properties > BuildPath)

Java working sets now support non-Java projects as well: Kai, Dirk

  • Test in Package Explorer, Search, etc.

Content Assist for field names: Martin, Dani

  • Verify that content assist in "Extract Local Variable", "Extract Constant", and "Convert Local Variable to Field" refactorings work
  • Verify that the proposals makes sense (especially with CamelCaseNames)
  • Verify that naming convention options are honored (Preferences > Java > Code Style)

NLS Wizard: Markus, Thomas

  • Test normal translation of strings
    • bundle guessing if there are already externalized strings in the CU
    • new key/values pair are now inserted respecting the sorting order of the properties file
  • Test renaming of keys
  • Test renaming of a set of keys
  • Test keys missing in property files
  • Test multi-line properties (line ends with \)

Import on paste: Tom, Dirk

  • Copy & paste java source ranges; verify that imports are added to target CU

Format All: Thomas, Markus

  • Format project, source folders, packages

Create method stubs on code assist similar to override methods: Dirk, Kai

  • getter and setter
  • constructor
  • method stub (foo|code assist -> private void foo() {...})

Quick Fixes: Markus, Christof

  • overridden method: fix return type not compatbile & thrown exceptions not compatible
  • fixes for invalid modifier
  • invert instanceof ( (!x instanceof X) -> (!(x instanceof X)
  • cast qualifier  ( -> ((Y)x).foo())
  • 'Change type of variable', 'Change type of method' and 'Add interface to xy'
  • more javadoc awareness: update javadoc when method signature changes

Quick Assists: Christof, Dani

  • create method definition in super class/interface (invoke on a method declaration)

Javadoc console errors are now linked: Thomas, Tom

  • Test Project > Generate Javadoc wizard on files with erroneous javadoc and verify that errors are links

Other Features

New Search: Dani, Christof

  • Test Search > "Occurrences In File" and "Exception Occurrences"
  • Test NLS Search
  • Test Filters (view menu)
  • Test context menu and keybindings in flat and hierarchical modes
  • Test search history toolbar button and menu
  • Test regular _expression_ search & replace (File Search)

Contextual launching of JUnit: Martin, Kai

  • Run/Debug JUnit from the context menu on test methods, types, packages, source folders, projects

Verification of 40 Bugs (everybody takes >= 5 bugs)

Before starting to verify, please add a comment that you take a bug for verification.

Description: Zip archive

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