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[jdt-ui-dev] Draft 3.0 M8 Test Grid

Attached find a draft of the combined 3.0 M8 test grid for the JDT UI, JDT
Text, Platform Compare, Text and Search components. Feel free to send
additional input directly to me.
If anyone from the community wants to volunteer for some testing, you will
be most welcome. Please send a note to this list (or to me personally) and
I'll reassign something to you.

The final test grid with the assignments will follow tomorrow morning (10am
MET) along with the information which build we test.


(See attached file: 3_0_M8_Test_Grid.html)
Title: 3.0 M8 Test Grid

3.0 M8 Test Grid (Draft)

Tuesday, March 23th, 2004

Tested Components

This test grid covers the following components:
  • Platform Compare
  • Platform Search
  • Platform Text
  • JDT Text
  • JDT UI


  • test new functions added since M7
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed

Testers (So Far)

Everybody from the community is welcome to help with testing. Please send a note to this list if you want to help testing the 3.0 M8 candidate.
  • André
  • Christian
  • Christof
  • Dani
  • Dirk
  • Gerd
  • Kai
  • Markus
  • Thomas

New Compare Features

  • verify that changes made in Workbench > Colours and Fonts, Text Compare Appearance are honoured
  • verify that horizontal scrolling is synchronized
  • verify that there's visual indication to resize the parts in when using side-by-side comparison

New Text and New Java Search

Note: Ensure that new Text and Java search is enabled in the preferences.
  • test grouping of Java search results by project, package, file or type
  • test replace functionality
  • test the two layouts

Quick Outline

  • verify new support to show inherited members
  • verify the new support for filters
  • verify that the control remembers its size if the option is checked in view menu
  • verify resize and move behaviour via view menu
  • verify that the sorters work (view menu)
  • verify that "Go Into Top Level Type" works (view menu)

Content Assist Remembers Size

  • verify that the content assistant window remembers the last used size

Java Outline page

  • test the new view menu
  • test the new filters provided via view menu > "Filters..."

AST Provider

Ensure your development workspace is up to date, then launch a target workspace with enabled JDT UI tracing. This will write debug info to the console. This allows you to verify that:
  • ASTs get correctly cached
  • no new ASTs are created when using Occurrence Highlighting, Quick Fix light bulb indication and Quick fixes

Change Method Signature Refactoring

  • verify that it updates Javadoc tags
  • verify that references in Javadoc get updated

Rename Refactoring

  • test the simplified rename dialog
  • verify that references in Javadoc tags get updated

Call Hierarchy

  • test that Call Hierarchy view searches in the background
  • that this background search can be cancelled

Reorg: Test Move Refactoring Using Participants

Move the following elements and verify that everything gets updated correctly:
  • compilation unit
  • source folder
  • package
  • resource folder

Reorg: Move internal JAR updates build path

  • verify that build path gets updated

Quick Fix

  • test new quick fix to fix "hidden variable" problem
  • test new quick fix to fix "cannot reduce the visibility of inherited method" problem
  • test new quick fix to make a final field non-final (if assigned a second time)
  • verify that "add import" quick fix is the first one in the list of suggestions

User Defined Libraries

  • verify that you can define your own libraries
  • verify that the library gets correctly rendered in the Package Explorer

Verification of 37 Bugs (everybody takes 5 bugs)

Before starting to verify add a comment that you take to bug for verification.

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