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[jdt-ui-dev] M7 test plan

Here is the proposed test plan for JDT UI, Platform/UI Text, Search and Compare.
Feel free to join in if you would like to help.
I would be glad if you could review the entries and report me missing or wrong items.
The final test plan with assignments will be sent out tomorrow.


Title: 3.0 M7 Test Grid

3.0 M7 Test Grid

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


This test grid covers the following components

  • JDT UI
  • Platform/JDT Text
  • Platform Search
  • Platform Compare


  • test new functionality added since M6
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed


  • André
  • Dani
  • Tom
  • Markus
  • Martin
  • Thomas
  • Christoph

Background Java Search

General testing of search (new implementation)

New Search view presentations

Change layout to hierarchical in context menu

Search Performance

Optimized scoping of search: e.g search for toString()

Search: Hide matches in import statements

Preference in work in progress

Improved project creation wizard

The first page offers additional settings and also the 'Add folder' button is improved. Try with existing locations both externally or in the workspace directory.

Organize imports is Javadoc aware

@see A#b(A,B), @link, @linkplain, @throws and @exception can contain type references

Local rename and 'Find Occurrences' on Javadoc tags

On type, method and variable (@param) references

Invert equals quick assist

Invoke on statements like if (x.equals("String")) {..}

Method rename in "Change method signature" refactoring

Refactoring > Change Method Signature

Code assist in type and package entry fields

Type, package, text case wizards, change method signature and move static members refactoring, Find/replace dialog (enable regular expressions)

JUnit: Improved string equals failures

Compare button in Junit lower pane (see 44680)

Comment/Uncomment toggle action

In Edit menu

Quick Outline allows to show inherited members

Spell checking for comments

Spell Checking for comments and strings is now available. To enable this feature a word list must be provided. See Java > Editor > Spelling preferences.

Show Occurrences improvements

Own annotation type, show places where the throwable is thrown, enable/disable 'sticky' behavior (stay even if there is no valid Java element at the current caret position)

Selection stability when reverting the content of the Java editor

Revert file and observe selection

Tab width configuration in Text Editor

Preferences > Workbench > Text Editor

Test Linked mode

New preferences in Java > Editor > Annotations

Vertical ruler rollover

Activate on 'work in progress' page

Interfaces in type hierarchy on packages source folders and projects

Open a hierarchy on a package and check if the interfaces are contained.

Member sorting by visibility

Preferences > Java > Appearance > Member Sort Order, general feature testing

Code Formatter preference page

General testing (some new settings). White space: Order by syntax element / java element

Mac Application Bundle Exporter

Use the export wizard to export simple SWT or AWT based applications

Verification of Bugs

Before starting to verify add a comment that you take to bug for verification.

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