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[jdt-ui-dev] 3.0 M4 Test Grid

Attached find the combined 3.0 M4 test grid for the JDT UI, JDT Text,
Platform Search and Platform Text components. Feel free to send additional
input directly to me.
If anyone from the community wants to volunteer for some testing, you will
be most welcome. Please send a note to this list (or to me personally) and
I'll reassign something to you.

(See attached file: 3_0_M4_Test_Grid.html)
Title: 3.0 M4 Test Grid

3.0 M4 Test Grid

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003


  • test new functions added since M3
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed

Testers So Far

Everybody from the community is welcome to help with testing. Please send a note to this list if you want to help testing the 3.0 M4 candidate.
  • André
  • Dani
  • Dirk
  • Kai
  • Markus
  • Martin
  • Thomas
  • Tobias
  • Tom

Anonymous Types in the UI (André, Dirk)

  • Verify that all JDT views correctly show anonymous inner types
  • Verify that a filter to hide anonymous inner classes is available

Improved Filtering Support (Dirk, Tom)

  • Package Explorer and Java Browsing view's view menu shows the last 3 recently used filters
  • Verify that Package Explorer's built-in filters (fields, non-public members and static members) have been correctly moved to the filter dialog (View menu > Filters...) and still work as expected

Comment Formatting (Markus, Tobias)

  • Verify formatting of comments
  • Verify that all the formatting options work
  • Verify "Format Selected Element" action

Quick Diff (André, Tobias)

Test for Text and Java editor
  • quick diff indication in overview ruler
  • editor ruler context menu (enable/disable, change quick diff reference provider)
  • hover on quick diff ranges (should display the original source)
  • revert block, revert line, restore deleted lines, delete added lines
  • preference pages (color settings, quick diff annotation settings, etc.)

Unused instanceof Quick Fix (Tom, Thomas)

Javadoc Wizard (André, Dirk)

  • verify that Javadoc command is taken from correct JRE (see bug 44062)

Externalize Strings Wizard (Tom, Thomas)

  • verify new editing functionality

Auto Indentation / Smart Tab (Markus, Tobias)

Ensure Preference > Java > Work in Progress > Smart Tab is enabled
  • verify auto-indentation
  • verify Correct Indentation (Ctrl+I) action

Opening External Files (Dani, André)

  • open and files from several locations including network
  • open and save identical file but using different windows
  • open and save file which is already contained in the workspace via Navigator and as external file

RegEx Support in Find/Replace and File Search page  (Markus, Tobias)

  • search using Find/Replace dialog
  • replace using Find/Replace dialog
  • use content assist in Find/Replace dialog
  • verify F1 help in Find/Replace dialog
  • search using File search page
  • verify F1 help in File search page

Improved Inline Method (Dani, Martin)

Support for Reference Updates when Moving Local Types (Martin, Markus)

Improved 'move static' (Martin, Dani)

Reorg: Move Using Text Selection (Kai, Martin)

  • see bug 42308
  • create a CU with two top-level types, select one of them in the editor and move it out of the CU

Improved Change Method Signature Refactoring (Kai, Tom)

New Refactoring: Introduce Parameter (Kai, Thomas)

Moves a selected selected _expression_ to all call sites and reference the _expression_ through a new parameter. The current implementation doesn't consider ripple methods nor does it recode the selected _expression_ to fix accessibility problems.

Verification of 45 Bugs (everybody takes 5 bugs)

Before starting to verify add a comment that you take to bug for verification.

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