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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] JUnit extension problem

Thanks for the response.
Since I have to do some dynamic analysis of the tests, I am again at a
point where I will have to think hard about the best way of doing
The problem is that I'd like to get the value of a variable at any
point during the execution of the test. I thought, I could use the
eclipse debugging functionality to step through each line of the test
object. Since you just told me that this is impossible, I will have to
look for a different way...
Well... Thanks again,

> >suggestions about retrieving the test-object in a
> >more "Eclipse-like" fashion
> The JUnit tests are run in a separate VM and therefore
> the test object isn't and may not be instantiated in the
> Eclipse VM at all.
> You can analyze test classes using the JavaModel API,
> e.g., find them in the workspace and do structural
> analysis using the org.eclipse.jdt.core types.
> --erich
>              Philipp.Bouillon@                           
>              Sent by:                                    
>               To 
>              jdt-ui-dev-admin@        
> jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
>               cc 
>          Subject 
>              04/03/2003 11:14          [jdt-ui-dev] JUnit
> extension        
>              AM                        problem           
>              Please respond to                           
>              jdt-ui-dev@eclips                           
> <I have already posted this topic (erroneously) in the
> newsgroup. Sorry for that.>
> Hello,
> I am trying to extend JUnit in Eclipse to perform some
> analysis of the
> tests. So I thought of three different approaches which
> have (so far)
> all
> taken me into dead ends.
> First, I implemented a new JUnit Launcher (by extending
> org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes). That
> worked quite
> well,
> until I had to access the workbench, and since I am a
> newbie, I have
> not yet
> figured out, how to access the Eclipse environment from
> an external
> launcher
> (but that's not my question here -- it was just my first
> attempt).
> So, I changed my plans and developed an actionSet which
> was intendet
> to
> invoke the JUnit test, but here I ran into a strange
> problem: In my
> actionSet implementation, I have the name of the Test
> class as a
> string. So
> I thought it would be possible to get an instance of that
> class by
> using
> Class.forName(nameOfTheTestClass); which produced a
> "class not found
> exception". After I searched google, I found an article
> describing
> this
> problem (called "Understanding Class.forName). A solution
> would be to
> use
> instead. However, this did not work either (I surrounded
> the statement
> with
> try/catch, of course). I also tried using
> Class.forName(name,
> true/false,
> getSystemLoader()) -- but that did not work either.
> So, I changed my plans again and tried a third approach.
> This time I
> extended "org.eclipse.jdt.junit.testRunListeners" but
> eventually ended
> up
> with the same problem: In my implementation of
> ITestRunListener
> (precisely
> in the method testFailed), I _need_ the
> junit.framework.Test object.
> So
> again, I was left with the problem of retrieving an
> object by its
> name.
> I tried it with a simple class (i.e.
> and it worked perfectly, so I assumed, it had something to
> do with my
> classpath, so I set the classpath, and the user directory
> directly
> before
> calling the loadClass method, and still I receive a
> "class not found
> exception".
> I fear I am at a loss right now: I cannot think of any
> more things to
> try to
> load my class dynamically.
> So, if you have any ideas about this problem, or if you
> have any
> suggestions
> about retrieving the test-object in a more "Eclipse-like"
> fashion, I
> would
> really be grateful.
> Thanks for your time and suggestions,
> Philipp Bouillon
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