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[jdt-ui-dev] Extension point for CompilationUnitEditor


I tried to post my questions on the general mailing list, but got
no answers. So perhaps you JDT experts can help me.

I want to write some additional code generation features for
the Java editor (CompilationUnitEditor)
which would fit into the source menu of the editor.
But I didn't find any possibility to add my menu items
to the source menu (neither the popup nor the menu bar submenu
Is this not possible or how do I have to adjust the
menupath entries in plugin.xml?


 Florian Hawlitzek                    | "In a world with no fences
 florian@xxxxxxxxxxxx (office)        |  who needs gates?
 Florian.Hawlitzek@xxxxxxxxxx (priv.) |  Think Java!" (homepage)          |               JavaOne 1998

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