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[jdt-ui-dev] Refactoring: Any plans for a Lint like tool (...a tool to identify bad code smells...)?

Are there any future plans for a Lint like tool, similar to the one which
comes with the Smalltalk Refactoring Browser?

You know, such a tool could be used to identify (show up) the easier to
detect sort of bad code smells inside of Java projects. E.g.:

- unused parameters
- unused variables
- empty try catch
- empty returns
- multiple returns
- unbraced blocks (if/do/while/else/for)
- ...and so on...

User scenario/system vision:

The lint tool would offer the user a selection list box, where he/she can
select all or individual lint types. When pressing the Ok button, the lint
tool starts to traverse over the parsed AST (for Eclipse it may be instead
the annotations of the search engine/database on top of the AST) and detects
possible lints inside the project sources. The results of a lint tool run
would then be represented in another list view, with the relevant found
occurrence informations. If the user double clicks or selects such an
occurrence, the Java editor opens and jumps inside the source code to the
occurrence. - As an addon, it might be further possible, to offer the user a
semi intelligent context fitting refactoring fixture for the detected lint
occurrence (similar to the automatic code fix feature).


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