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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Regarding the Quick fix through the editor.

That sound great. Thanks. I'll check out it out on the latest Integration build.

Erich Gamma wrote:

In the 2.1 M2 build MarkerResolutions contributed to Markers are now also
available as quick fixes in the editor (no light bulb is shown yet)

assaf@xxxxxxxxxxx m (Gina S. Assaf) To: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx Sent by: cc: jdt-ui-dev-admin@ Subject: [jdt-ui-dev] Regarding the Quick fix through the editor. 10/17/2002 09:00 PM Please respond to jdt-ui-dev

Hi, I have the same concerns (as issue in mail that was posted on 9/30
regarding quick fix mechanism)  about the quick fix through the editor.
I know that there is no obvious way to contributing a quick fix through
the java editor, but is there any way that it could be done, that is not
obvious.  If not, then how likely is it, that this feature would be
added , and when? Also, how likely is it that the feature of the two
quick fixes, through the task View and the editor, be more
interconnected for future releases.
I couldn't find a feature request posted yet, so I should probably make
a feature request for it myself, but I wasn't sure if it was already
posted and I just couldn't find it.
I would appreciate some more information regarding this issue.
Thank You,
                 Gina Assaf

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