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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] UseSupertypeWherePossible released

>I'm interested in a code pointer to this feature and perhaps
>an email from someone who worked on this to compare notes on the
>soundness of the analysis.

that someone would be me. :-)
(i guess in open source projects you normally don't announce stuff you didn't write without pointing to the person)

> I looked at over 2MLOC to gain an empirical understanding of this change
> to code and implemented the analysis in a Eclipse plug-in.

anything we could have a look at?
code or research material?

also, please bear in mind that the current implementation is by no means complete and will be subject to constant improvements over
the next couple of months (naturally, going pararelly with development of new features and improvement in other areas)

(plus, the code needs cleanup - you might want to wait until it happens before you try to read it <g>).

needless to say, your feedback or/and any other input will be more than welcome.

thanks for your interest, Tim

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