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[jdt-ui-dev] testing 20020917

Here're the test items M1 (the list consist mainly of new features introduced since 2.0.1)

 - drop me a line if you have questions.

Naturally, please test on I-20020917.




Editor improvements + their preferences: 

Automatic closing of comments 

Jump to matching bracket 

Home key semantics 

Automatic fragmentation of strings 

Argument guessing in method completion


new function - Run all junit tests in a package

20663 Removing inexact matches in search results [search] 

member sorting and the preference page (Java > Appearance > Members Sort Order)


Extract interface refactoring

Move inner type to top level refactoring

Compiler preference to report circular depencencies as warnings/errors

Quick Fix - especially 'create field, create local, create parameter, create method, add exception to throws clause'


Enhance extract method to allow parameter ordering

21767 nls wizard: needs an 'edit' button 

Javadoc generation on typing 


14299 Package filter [browsing] 

17402 Search should use the package compression... [search] 

multi-project javadoc generation

17636 Team / Compare actions on search results 


Simplified activation of quick fix - ask Martin what that means

Quick Fix - Add/Remove parameter if method call doesn't match signature


19881 copy/paste fails for .java files out of buid path (in resour 

19996 rename type: no progress reported when changes are performed 

23024 go to next/previous method action 

19930 Refactor->Extract Local Variable should guess name [refactor 


20970 class/interface filters in type browsing view [filters] [bro 

21825 Add ability for templates to wrap existing code [code manipu 

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