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[jdt-ui-dev] How to clone the JDT PackageExplorer?

I am part of a team developing a plug-in for Eclipse. We are currently using
version 2.0

What I am trying to do is to have my own view that the user can select from
Window/Show View that has all the functionality of the JDT PackageExplorer
but with one important twist. I want to get control when the user requests
an OPEN action on a .java file. (either through double-click or the context
menu). Based on other conditions I would then do one of two things; 1) the
default JDT open action, or 2) open my own (multi-page) editor.

My first thought was to extend
Obviously this got me my own view with all the JDT functions, but it did not
give me access to the open action. I then tried copying the entire
org.eclipse.jdt.ui package into my project, but that was very messy and I
could not work out all the conflicts, besides, it just felt way wrong.

I briefly contemplated writing my own Package Explorer view from scratch,
but after a couple of days studying the JDT code, it became clear to me that
that would not be feasable. (or would it?)

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Joseph Remes

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