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[jdt-ui-dev] Feature wish list ;)


Currently I'm looking for a special feature, which might be nice to have for others too, so maybe it's worth a look or two:

We have the need to search for a special type of method call in our code and replace it. It's far too much code to replace each and every instance by hand for each reference.

What I'm looking for is a tool to search for patterns like {variable|methodCall}.encodeURL({.*}) and replace it by something like SuperServlet.getURL(\0,\1).

For example, for "<a href='"+request.encodeURL("/someUrl")+"'>test</a>" this would result in "<a href='"+SuperServlet.getURL(request,"/someUrl")+"'>test</a>"

Is there anybody out there providing this functionality, or is there nobody out there interested?

For the moment, I use regular expressions outside eclipse...



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