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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Getting the RunLastAction Delegate

This was answered on the "news group", I believe. However the short answer is

(1) You can programatically lanuch launch configurations. See the java doc for ILaunchConfiguration, and ILaunchManager.
(2) You can be notified when launches are added/removed from the debug perspective. There is no notification for pressing the run/debug button
(3) You can register a launch shortcut for selective sensitive launching - see the extension point "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts".


"Somik Raha" <somik@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: jdt-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/23/2002 09:33 PM
Please respond to jdt-ui-dev

        To:        <jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        [jdt-ui-dev] Getting the RunLastAction Delegate

   I am trying to write a plugin where I need :
[1] to be able to run the last action (basically run the program with the
previously saved settings)
[2] to be notified when the run button is pressed (basically when the
program gets executed)

   The problem is I am trying really hard to get a handle on the action
delegate, but am unable to do so.. I also need to know when the run button
gets pressed, for some extra processing.

   I had an approach working in M1, but the architecture seems to have
changed since then.. I would get the toolbar and all the buttons, find the
ToolItem corresponding to "Run" - and add a listener - to find when the run
button got pressed. I could also get the RunAction associated with this
ToolItem, and fire it at will.

   But as I mentioned, I am unable to do this in F3. Also, I think simpler
approaches should be possible, but I have probably missed something.

   I would be grateful if someone can point me to the relevant classes that
I should examine - or suggest any alternative.

   Thank you very much. And thanks for making this great product.


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