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Re: [jdt-dev] Unable to compile org.eclips.jdt.core after last Friday (8th)

Hi Jonah,

Thanks a lot for the detailed information. 

I installed the and tried to rebuild the package. It looks for the older link that I shared above and throws the same error. I tried to find a location where I can manually update the link but I couldn't find it. 

I can not merge the changes as you suggested because of a couple of changes that I have performed on java.g. While I continue to debug this, I am curious whether it is possible to update this link manually in a config file? How does the eclipse collect these links when it builds?


On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 6:02 PM Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

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Hi Malinda,

The p2 repository URLs you are referring to are what is called "I-build" in eclipse parlance. They are integration builds which are deleted once a release is made. If you are using a fork of JDT you will need to merge in updates from upstream JDT to get the new Orbit p2 URL. If for some reason you can't merge upstream changes, the available URLs can be found by browsing - I suspect you will want which is the most recent release.

Not sure which branch you are referring to on 7 July - typo?


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 at 20:50, Malwala Arachchige, Malinda Dilhara <malwalam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Team,

I am reaching out to you to get feedback from you regarding an error that I have been facing since last Friday. 

I am using locally built org.eclips.jdt.core for my project with some custom feature implementations. I was making the changes and testing the changes without any error until last Friday. Suddenly, I met the following compilation error and was unable to build the org.eclips.jdt.core since last Friday. I observed that a new branch has been created on the 7th of July. Could there be any connection to this issue from that change? Any help, feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance. 

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