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Re: [jdt-dev] Null dataflow analysis & community


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 7:05 PM, <stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

proposing a compromise:

Create a new RFE for general implementation of a new correlation-aware flow analysis.
(It should be clear we speak of an entirely new feature, not a little tweak of an existing feature).
Mark all existing correlation bugs as duplicates of the new one.

It's actually even better than a compromise. I think it's a very good approach to group those issues under a big one and to link them (as each of them contains an interesting test case to implement).
Would you like me to take care of it or do you prefer doing it yourself?

PS: some time ago I was JDT's joker/sweeper (whatever the English term may be), who could implement new features at will...
Is it a law of OSS that every joker will be absorbed into day-to-day business sooner or later?

:) Fortunately or unfortunately (I don't know whether it's good or bad), it indeed seems hard to avoid.

PPS: while comparing null-analyses, has anybody recently checked, whether IDEA is able to leverage JSR 308 annotations after all?
IMHO this makes a much more significant difference than correlation analysis. Someone in @EclipseJavaIDE may want to advertise this ...

Just searching the web, it seems like IJ doesn't have support for JSR-308 or at least doesn't advertise it.
It's indeed a good thing to keep in mind for a future tweet in @EclipseJavaIDE, I'll try to think about it later.

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