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Re: [jdt-dev] JDT co-lead nomination



From: Philippe P Mulet <philippe_mulet@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: jdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2009-03-10 15:12
Subject: [jdt-dev] JDT co-lead nomination


I have reduced my involvement in the Eclipse project quite a bit. I am still willing to provide some leadership in JDT, but it needs more energy than I can presently put into it. Therefore, I would like to suggest a change in the leadership model for JDT, similar to the model used for Equinox. Hence I am proposing that Daniel Megert (Eclipse Platform Search, Platform Text and JDT Text lead as well as JDT UI co-lead) become co-lead for JDT (with me).

Over the past years, Dani has proven to be very qualified for the job, and in many areas I believe we share the same vision for JDT.

Please cast your vote on this proposal,


Philippe Mulet
Eclipse Project PMC, Eclipse JDT Lead

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