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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] jdt launch shortcuts on non java files

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 11:25 -0600, Michael Rennie wrote:
> The adapt entry is used to check if the item you have right clicked on
> (the current context) can be adapted to an IJavaElement. 

I don't think my files should be able to be adapted to IJavaElement
since they are not java files. Maybe the problem is I have done
something to make them adaptable to IJavaElement. Where would I look to
find out?

> As for the shortcuts, you can try adding an enablement test for your
> menu shortcut to make it (not) show up in the RunAs menu. 

I do want my shortcut to show up in the Run As menu and I have already
done so using org.eclipse.debug.ui.matchesPattern test. The problem is I
don't want the jdt shortcuts showing up in the context menu for my files
since they are not java files.

Ryan Boder

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