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[jdt-debug-dev] Possible Bug in Launching Java Applications (Eclipse 3.1)?



My plug-in uses JDT to launch programmatically Java applications. The plug-in also adds breakpoints to the launched apps and registers a listener

to receive the notifications when the breakpoint is hit. The plug-in was initially developed for Eclipse 3.0, but lately I have been porting it to 3.1. I noticed

that when I add the breakpoints in 3.1, I don’t receive breakpointHit- notifications from the Debug-plugin.  I started debugging the plug-in and noticed that

the launched application runs to completion before the breakpoints are added, so the JDIDebugTarget.breakpointAdded doesn’t actually add the breakpoint

to the debug target. This is strange because the same code works in 3.0. I launch the application using following code:


DebugPlugin debugPlugin = DebugPlugin.getDefault();

debugPlugin.addDebugEventListener(new DebugEventHandler());


ILaunchManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager();

ILaunchConfigurationType type = manager.getLaunchConfigurationType(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ID_JAVA_APPLICATION);

ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc = type.newInstance(null, "Profiling");

wc.setAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_PROJECT_NAME, javaProject.getElementName());                                                                                                      

wc.setAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_MAIN_TYPE_NAME, className);


ILaunchConfiguration config = wc.doSave();                                                                                                                                                           


ILaunch launch = config.launch(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE, null);



and the breakpoint are added using following code:

ProfileBreakpoint br = new ProfileBreakpoint(resource, typeName, line, -1, -1, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         false, new HashMap(), UNKNOWN_MARKER);                                                                                                                  



(Notice that ProfileBreakpoint is just a subclass from the JavaLineBreakpoint)


I guess the error is in the launching architecture, perhaps in the ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE?


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