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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] Common Questions about functionality in jdt.debug.core

Darin Wright wrote:
            Below is the code I use to set the MethodEntryBreakpoint.

IResource resource = unit.getResource();
String typeName = unit.findPrimaryType().getFullyQualifiedName();
String methodName = "stateChanged";
String methodSig = "";
IMethod[] meths = unit.findPrimaryType().getMethods();
for(int i=0;i < meths.length;i++){
       methodName = meths[i].getElementName();
       methodSig = meths[i].getSignature();
int line = 111;

This code looks reasonable - are you positive that a matching method is found in the for loop? (you could add a "break" statement to avoid searching all methods when the first match is found).

I am pretty confident that it chooses the correct method. When invoking the run action on my plugin from a run-time workbench, the breakpoints show up in the Debug Perspective - Breakpoints View for the type I create them in, the marker's also show up in the Ruler.

Map attributes = new HashMap(3);
attributes.put("PATTINFO","This is just a marker explanation");;

You don't need to specify the LINE_NUMBER attribute, it will be set by the breakpoint via the line number you specify in the creation call.

attributes.put(IMarker.MESSAGE,"This is a message for the hover");
BreakpointUtils.addJavaBreakpointAttributes(attributes, unit);

IJavaMethodEntryBreakpoint br = JDIDebugModel.createMethodEntryBreakpoint(resource,typeName, methodName,

methodSig, line, -1, -1,0,true,null);

Although you created an extra attributes map, you did not pass it into the contructor (i.e. the last argument is "null").

Is there something I need to do after this to install the breakpoint? Even if I call

Since you have specified "true" for the "register" breakpoint argument in the creation call (second last argument), you do not need to add the breakpoint to the breakpoint manager manually - this will be done for you. When the breakpoint is added to the manager, debug targets will be notified and install the breakpoint. If you were to specify "false" for registering the breakpoint, you would need to add the breakpoint to the debug target manually via its IBreakpointListener inteface.

Thanks for the tips. Perhaps I am not launching the code properly?

After I have used .create*Breakpoint I call a method to launch using the code taken from help/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.isv/guide/jdt_api_run.htm

ILaunch launch = new Launch(null, ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE, null);, launch, null);

I've tried using launch.getDebugTarget(), casting it to a IJavaDebugTarget then passing this to my IJavaBreakpointListener.installingBreakpoint(..) method to install the breakpoint, but I get Class cast exceptions.

Sorry to be taking up your time like this. Is there something more I am missing?

Thanks again.


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