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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] how to change the editor visibilty based on the debug event

> 1 I don't want to display the source editor and
> display only digram editor for the complet debug
> process.

The Java debugger is just that - a Java debugger. The Java debugger 
provides its own model presentation (JDIModelPresentation) that instructs 
the debugger to show Java editors for compilation units and class files. 
Without using JSR045, you cannot override this.

> 2.I want to dynamically set the breakpoint to the
> source code without opening the source file in editor

You can create breakpoints programmatically with the factory methods 
provided in JDIDebugModel.create*Breakpoint(...).

> 3. can we make the editor hidden whenever the suspend
> event is occured to that source code.

I can think of two options:

(1) As stated before - using our own debug model that wrappers the JDT 
debugger would allow you to provide your own model presentation, and thus 
provide your own editor mapping for stack frames.
(2) If you can build classfiles that support the JSR045 spec (i.e. 
provdies a mapping from the Java to an alternative source), you could 
place appropriate source file names into the class file debug attributes 
that correspond to the associated diagram. Then, add the diagram files to 
your source lookup path, and they will be opened. However, JSR045 is still 
line number based - so highlighting something in the diagram will not work 
this way (unless your editor implements ITextEditor, and can interpret 
ITextEditor.selectAndReveal(int, int)).


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