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RE: [jdt-debug-dev] [1.5] JDT 1.5 preview available - codename "Cheetah"

Thanks for delivering news of "Cheetah". I'm writing my last article on
Tiger for a programming journal in Korea, and convinced that Cheetah will
help me to know about how Eclipse 3.0 supports Tiger.



P.S. I found that a class having enhanced for loops statements couldn't be
executed by Sun's JDK 1.5.0 b45 Linux version and Eclipse 3.0-I20040407. If
you want, I'll post the details as a bug report.

Lee, Changshin (Korean name)
Ias (International name)
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JSR 201, 204, 222 and 224 Expert Group Member
Apache Web Services Project Member
R&D Center
Tmax Soft, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:jdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Philippe P Mulet
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 8:58 PM
> To: jdt-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; 
> eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [jdt-debug-dev] [1.5] JDT 1.5 preview available - 
> codename "Cheetah"
> Dear 1.5 fans,
> We just posted a snapshot of our current 1.5 effort (mostly 
> compiler and
> generics) on the JDT Core website update section.
> This effort is named "Cheetah" and is still in its kitten 
> stage; remember:
> it is *NOT* going to be delivered as part of Eclipse 3.0.
> We used an update site so as to ease deliveries for early 
> adopters, as down the road it may comprise more JDT plug-ins 
> as they convert to 1.5 branch. Please find more info at:
> re-home/r3.0/main.html#updates
> If you find issues with it (and yes, you will <g>), then 
> please enter a bug report against JDT Core, where you prefix 
> the problem title with "[1.5]" so we can easily identify 
> these issues; and please also mention the version of the 
> Cheetah you are riding (see Eclipse help about plug-in details: e.g.
> 3.0.0.cheetah01).
> Remember this is just a snapshot of a very very early stage, 
> The JDT Core team
> _______________________________________________
> jdt-debug-dev mailing list
> jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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