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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] Can I modify Expressions in run-time?

... and, to answer you actual question :-)

No, you cannot modify expressions - only values of variables.


Philipp.Bouillon@xxxxxxxxxxx (Philipp Bouillon)
Sent by: jdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/25/2003 12:48 PM
Please respond to jdt-debug-dev

        To:        jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [jdt-debug-dev] Can I modify Expressions in run-time?


first, let me say sorry for bothering you again. I am working at my diploma
thesis and my prof would like to take a demo along with him to the ICSE, so
I am a bit under pressure...

This time, my question regards dynamic _expression_ modifying:
I have set a method-entry breakpoint at some method. This method is called
during the execution and the _expression_ that was passed to the constructor
can be evaluated (I have already done so).
But now, I'd like to _change_ this _expression_ in run-time, without
modifying the code (as in a debugger: change the value of a variable, only
I do not have a variable, but an _expression_).
For example, I have a constructor call that gets a String as parameter (or
an int, or an array of Objects or whatever) and the parameter evaluates to
"foo". Now, I'd like to change this to (well guess) "bar", but I did not
find any way of doing this.
I looked at the jdt-API and all I found was the IASTEvaluationEngine which
can evaluate an _expression_ for me... But it cannot be changed.

Please let me assure you that I will reduce postings in the future (at
least I will reduce the amount of questions that could probably be answered
by thorough research, if I have any answers to provide, you will here from me).

Thank you very much for your patience and your help,
Philipp Bouillon

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