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[jdt-debug-dev] Can I modify Expressions in run-time?


first, let me say sorry for bothering you again. I am working at my diploma thesis and my prof would like to take a demo along with him to the ICSE, so I am a bit under pressure...

This time, my question regards dynamic expression modifying:
I have set a method-entry breakpoint at some method. This method is called during the execution and the expression that was passed to the constructor can be evaluated (I have already done so). But now, I'd like to _change_ this expression in run-time, without modifying the code (as in a debugger: change the value of a variable, only I do not have a variable, but an expression). For example, I have a constructor call that gets a String as parameter (or an int, or an array of Objects or whatever) and the parameter evaluates to "foo". Now, I'd like to change this to (well guess) "bar", but I did not find any way of doing this. I looked at the jdt-API and all I found was the IASTEvaluationEngine which can evaluate an expression for me... But it cannot be changed.

Please let me assure you that I will reduce postings in the future (at least I will reduce the amount of questions that could probably be answered by thorough research, if I have any answers to provide, you will here from me).

Thank you very much for your patience and your help,
Philipp Bouillon

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