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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] JavaMethodEntryBreakpoints

Thanks for the advice, but even after I changed "FileReader" to "<init>", the bahavior does not change: the breakpoint is created (it is shown in the "breakpoint"-list of the debugging perspective), but if I select "debug as JUnit Test", the execution is _not_ interrupted upon reaching the breakpoint (and it is definitely reached).
However, I found out, that I was using the wrong resource. But I changed "FileReader" to "DummyTest" (which is a JUnit test class created in the default package) and tried to set a breakpoint on its constructor using the described method. And that did not work either (same behavior). If I set the breakpoint manually (i.e. by double clicking), it works fine.

So again, this is my statement:

     "(QString;)V",  // It's really QString; here, not "Ljava.lang.String;" as in
     0, -1, -1, 0,
     true, attributes);

The breakpoint appears in the breakpoint list, but execution is not paused upon reaching it. Why?
And, something completely different: How _do_ I get the correct resource of any java file that does not neccessarily have to be in my workspace (if you know a quick how-to, I'd appreciate hearing it, however, I have not looked into that problem yet, and I suppose it could really be simple).

Once again, I thank you very much for your help and your patience.
Philipp Bouillon

(Forgot to mention)...For a method breakpoint, the line numebrs/source positions are simply used to render the breakpoint in the editor.


Darin Wright/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: jdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/24/2003 09:29 AM
Please respond to jdt-debug-dev
        To:        jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [jdt-debug-dev] JavaMethodEntryBreakpoints

It looks like you are specifying the wrong name for the method - i.e. "FileReader". If you are referring to a constructor, you should use "<init>".


Sent by: jdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/24/2003 09:08 AM
Please respond to jdt-debug-dev
       To:        jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx


       Subject:        [jdt-debug-dev] JavaMethodEntryBreakpoints


I am trying to programatically set a JavaMethodEntryBreakpoint.
Can this be done _without_ knowing the line number of the method
definition? It does not seem to work for me.
This is, what I do:

I have an IResource object and a name of a method, where I'd like to
set a breakpoint. Say, for example "" (and let's
suppose, that I do not have the source code for that class).
Aside: If I do have the source code, it's no problem at all -- I
determine the source range and the line number, and I can set the
breakpoint just perfectly.
So, what can I do now?
I tried a JDIDebugModel.createMethodEntryBreakpoint(resource,
"", "FileReader", "(Ljava.lang.String;)V", 0, -1, -1,

0, true, attributes);
But that did not work (I also tried -1 as line number). Is it because
of the signature, or did I miss something else?

Thanks for your help,
Philipp Bouillon
jdt-debug-dev mailing list

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