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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] Weird stepping problem


thanks for the advice on using the filter instead of the listener. It
works perfectly now. Thank you.

One thing that caught my eye when analyzing the code of 
@filterDebugEvents, lines 159-162:

for (int k = 1; k < events.length; k++) {						  filtered[k-1]=
events[k];								  return filtered;

isn't that supposed to be:

for (int k = 1; k < events.length; k++) {						  filtered[k-1]=
return filtered;

Again: Thanks for the help! That saved my day!

Philipp Bouillon

> There may be a timing issue that is appearing more
> frequently on one
> platform than the other.
> There are two things to be aware of here:
> (1) You are modifying the state of the debug model during
> event dispatch.
> (2) There are other event listeners that you are
> interacting with.
> Generally, it is not good practice to modify the state of
> the debug model
> during event dispatch, since other listeners (notified
> after your listener)
> will not be able to properly update from the event
> notification. For
> example, when there is a suspend event, other listeners
> may want to update
> views (stack frames perhaps) - but your event listener
> has already started
> another step, or resumed the thread. To help with this
> problem, the
> DebugPlugin has a method that allows arbitrary runnables
> to be run after
> event dispatch is complete - see
> DebugPlugin.asyncExec(Runnable). This
> allows listeners to "schedule" runnables to be run after
> event dispatch.
> There are some complexities involved in the Java debugger
> when it comes to
> the display of details (toStrings()), in the variables
> view. The variables
> view displays the result of performing an evaluation,
> i.e. toString(), on
> the selected variable. A thread in the target VM is used
> to perform the
> evaluation (which effectively resumes the thread to
> perform the
> evaluation). This Java debugger schedules this evaluation
> to run after
> event dispatch (using the above mentioned method in the
> DebugPlugin). The
> scheduling of this evaluation is further complicated by
> the fact the the
> debug views actually update asynchronously in the
> UI/Display thread. Thus,
> the evaluation is "scheduled to be scheduled", after
> views have updated.
> (See the code for more details).
> It is possible that your code is failing due to
> interactions with the
> toString evaluations that may be going on. That is - your
> call to
> "canStepOver" may return false if a background/implicit
> toString()
> evaluation is taking place.
> One way to avoid these problems is to use an event filter
> rather than an
> event listener (depending on what you want to achieve).
> By using an event
> filter, you can intercept events, and change the state of
> the debug model
> without effecting other listeners (since they will not be
> notified of
> filtered events). For example, this is the way the "Step
> Into Selection"
> actions works in the Java debugger. It performs a series
> of "step into"
> actions to step into the selected method. (See the code
> for more details).
> Hope this helps.
> Darin
> |---------+------------------------------->
> |         |           Philipp.Bouillon@t-o|
> |         |             |
> |         |           Sent by:            |
> |         |           jdt-debug-dev-admin@|
> |         |          |
> |         |                               |
> |         |                               |
> |         |           04/15/2003 07:46 AM |
> |         |           Please respond to   |
> |         |           jdt-debug-dev       |
> |         |                               |
> |---------+------------------------------->
>   |                                                       
>                            |
>   |       To:       jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx            
>                             |
>   |       cc:                                            
>                             |
>   |       Subject:  [jdt-debug-dev] Weird stepping
> problem                                                  
>                                    |
>   |                                                      
>                             |
> Hi,
> consider the following method:
> public void testBuffer() {
>     StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
>     for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
>         buf.append("foobar");
>     }
>     int x = 1;
> }
> I am tyring to programmatically step through this
> program, so I have
> set a MethodEntry breakpoint at testBuffer and a
> LineBreakpoint at "int
> x = 1;". Then, I registered a IJavaBreakpointListener
> with the
> JDIDebugModel. This listener installs a
> IDebugEventSetListener upon
> reaching the first breakpoint and removes the
> IDebugEventSetListener
> upon reaching the second breakpoint.
> The IDebugEventSetListener does the following (pseudo
> code):
> for all debug events:
>   get IJavaThread from event.getSource
>     if thread is suspended (step.end) {
>       if thread canStepOver {
>         thread.stepOver();
>       } else {
>         thread.resume();
>     } else {
>      thread.resume();
>     }
> So basically, I perform a step-over all lines in the
> code, right?
> The problem is, that the above code works perfectly under
> Windows XP
> using Eclipse 2.1 and Sun Java SDK 1.4.1_02.
> However, if I run the code _twice_ under Linux (Debian)
> with Eclipse
> 2.1 and Sun Java SDK 1.4.1_02, it stops somewhere between
> two steps.
> Note that I can run this code as often as I like under
> Windows, but
> Linux does not complete the second run.
> Another note: If I do not use a StringBuffer in the
> "testBuffer"
> method, it works well (so far, StringBuffer is the only
> class which
> showed this strange behaviour).
> Now, did _I_ miss anything (as I have not been developing
> with/for
> exclipse for too long, I am not sure if I picked the
> right approach) or
> could this indicate a bug in Eclipse or the JDK?
> Am I allowed to use
> thread.{stepInto/stepOver/resume/terminate...}
> commands in the IDebugSetEventListener, or does that
> produce thread
> problems?
> Thanks for your time and any suggestions,
> Philipp Bouillon
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