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[jdt-debug-dev] Weird stepping problem


consider the following method:

public void testBuffer() {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
    int x = 1;

I am tyring to programmatically step through this program, so I have
set a MethodEntry breakpoint at testBuffer and a LineBreakpoint at "int
x = 1;". Then, I registered a IJavaBreakpointListener with the
JDIDebugModel. This listener installs a IDebugEventSetListener upon
reaching the first breakpoint and removes the IDebugEventSetListener
upon reaching the second breakpoint.
The IDebugEventSetListener does the following (pseudo code):

for all debug events:
  get IJavaThread from event.getSource
    if thread is suspended (step.end) {
      if thread canStepOver {
      } else {
    } else {

So basically, I perform a step-over all lines in the code, right?
The problem is, that the above code works perfectly under Windows XP
using Eclipse 2.1 and Sun Java SDK 1.4.1_02.
However, if I run the code _twice_ under Linux (Debian) with Eclipse
2.1 and Sun Java SDK 1.4.1_02, it stops somewhere between two steps.
Note that I can run this code as often as I like under Windows, but
Linux does not complete the second run.
Another note: If I do not use a StringBuffer in the "testBuffer"
method, it works well (so far, StringBuffer is the only class which
showed this strange behaviour).

Now, did _I_ miss anything (as I have not been developing with/for
exclipse for too long, I am not sure if I picked the right approach) or
could this indicate a bug in Eclipse or the JDK?
Am I allowed to use thread.{stepInto/stepOver/resume/terminate...}
commands in the IDebugSetEventListener, or does that produce thread

Thanks for your time and any suggestions,
Philipp Bouillon

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