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[jdt-debug-dev] Debug Test Plan

Please start testing the M3 candidate.

Joe (S)
* Evaluations
        - Scrapbook
                - snippets
                - imports
                - launch properties
                - required projects
        - Debugger
                - (in) editor
                - display view
                - variable and _expression_ view detail area
* Launch History & Favorites

Luc (B)
* Breakpoints
        - all kinds
        - conditions
        - suspend on compilation errors
        - suspend on uncaught exceptions
* Hot code replace
        - j9
        - jdk1.4
* Locks & Monitors view

Darin (W)
* Launch Config Dialog
        - Java Applications
                - classpath
                - source lookup
                - JREs
                - args
        - Remote Java Apps
        - Applets
* Launch shortcuts

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