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[jdt-debug-dev] Launch Configuration Tab changes

Starting in tomorrow's integration build, The Debug Team is strongly suggesting that contributors of tabs for the launch configuration dialog NOT include a mnemonic in the name of the tab.  Trying to find unique mnemonics just in the tabs for the standard Java configuration type was becoming an insoluable task, not to mention the problem of someone trying to contribute a new tab.  The CommonTab will be the only tab that has a mnemonic (it's present for ALL configurations).  It will still be possible to access the tabs via the keyboard.  The TAB key will still cycle focus through all widgets, including the tabs, and since the CommonTab will still have a mnemonic, you can access this, then use the left/right arrows and Home & End to move through the tabs.  

Doing this frees up a number of letters for use in mnemonics, but more importantly it means that tab contributors no longer have to try to hit a moving target in choosing mnemonics for widgets on their tabs.  There will be a small set of 'global' mnemonics that tab contributors must avoid (W, T, N, Y, V, U, C), but outside of this, all other letters are fair game, regardless of what other tabs their tab may co-exist with.  In short, this means that tab contributors can choose mnemonics independently of how other tab contributors choose mnemonics.

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