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[jdt-core-dev] Re: Improving capture readable names

Rather than answering my previous note, please post a comment into:

             Philippe P                                                    
             07/04/2006 02:14          jdt-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx            
             PM                                                         cc 
                                       Improving capture readable names    

Currently, the following (invalid) program is rejected, but the error
message is slightly misleading.

   import java.util.List;

   public class X {
      void foo(List<? extends Exception> l1, List<? extends Exception> l2)

Compiler says:
      The method add(capture-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture-of ? extends Exception)

Note that there are 2 instances of captures, which end up being not
distinguishable in the message. Along the lines of, I am
proposing to improve the rendering into something telling the capture

Like one of the following:

1-The method add(capture$1-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture$1-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture$2-of ? ? extends Exception)

2-The method add(capture#1-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture#1-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture#2-of ? ? extends Exception)

3-The method add(capture-1-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture-1-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture-2-of ? ? extends Exception)

4-The method add(capture1-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture1-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture2-of ? ? extends Exception)

5-The method add(capture[1]-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture[1]-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture[2]-of ? ? extends Exception)

6-The method add(capture'1-of ? extends Exception) in the type
List<capture'1-of ? extends Exception> is not applicable for the arguments
(capture'2-of ? ? extends Exception)


Please indicate your preference.

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