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[jdt-core-dev] Switch between source and compiled code


we are using cvs and we have a lot of projects with several relationships. Example

project A (refers B)
project B (refers C)
project C (refers log4J.jar)
utility jar project

We have a lot of project (about 30 - 50) and a rebuild all take about 15 - 20 minutes. I
want to speed up our enviroment with following idea.
My idea is that the developer gets only the souce code he needs (for examp. project A).
The rest are jars. The jars can be produced by the deployment and the deployment commits the jars
to the cvs (for examp. to "project B-jar",...). So the devolper can choose in the cvs if he wants to
checkout the source or the compiled code.
One probem is that the developer has to adjust the classpath  everytime and he cannot commit the
new classpath because of the other developer which needs the source code instead. I tried to use a
variable in the classpath but the references of the compiled project were not in the classpath anymore.

So I need a logical reference between projects respectively the jars. Has anyone an idea?


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