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[jdt-core-dev] [Tutorial] Eclipse tutorials at ECOOP'06 conference

FYI - Some JDT team members will be participating ECOOP'06 and give some
tutorial, there are still some seats available.

Java Tool Smithing - Extending the Eclipse JDT
by Jerome Lanneluc (IBM France) and Martin Aeschlimann (IBM Switzerland)


July 03-07, 2006 ECOOP 2006 (Nantes, France)

    Join us at ECOOP 2006 for several Eclipse related events, including
tutorials, the Eclipse Technology Exchange Workshop (eTX) and the Eclipse

    Monday, July 3rd
    Tutorial 5 - The Eclipse Debug Framework - Bjorn Freeman-Benson
(Eclipse Foundation)
    Tutorial 6 - Java Tool Smithing: Extending the Eclipse JDT - Jerome
Lanneluc (IBM France) and Martin Aeschlimann (IBM Switzerland)

    Tuesday, July 4th
    Tutorial 8 - Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring AOP and AspectJ -
Adrian Colyer & Rob Harrop (Interface 21)
    Tutorial 10 - Developing a Domain-Specific Modeler with the Eclipse
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) - Richard Gronback (Borland) and Artem
Tikhomirov (Borland)
    Workshop 24 - Eclipse Technology Exchange Workshop (eTX)
    Evening event";>
 The Eclipse Bistro

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