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[jdt-core-dev] Creating non-javadoc comments


Is it really not possible to add non-javadoc comments to a org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom <> Java source file?

The JavaDoc for BlockComment and LineComment classes mention that:

Note that this node type is a comment placeholder, and is only useful for recording the source range where a comment was found in a source string. It is not useful for creating comments.

Is there no other way? I understand placing the comments in the AST is problematic, and putting them in a seperate list seems like a reasonable solution ( and But is it really not possible to add new comments to that list?

(Context: I'm looking for the best way for programmatically adding some JML specifications/non-null annotations to Java sources. Those are represented as special comments (things like "/*@non_null*/ Foo foo = new Foo();"))

Kind regards,

Arnout Engelen

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