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[jdt-core-dev] Anticipating a change in IProblemFactory

If you are NOT using compiler internal API IProblemFactory, then you may
ignore this note.

The current definition of IProblemFactory says that #createProblem(...) is
We would like to change this into

CategorizedProblem is an extension of IProblem introduced in 3.2, which
offers possibility
to categorize problems better and have participant issue their own problems
in a non
colliding fashion (i.e. no longer need to worry about colliding problem

Since IProblemFactory is not public API, this is not a breaking change; but
they are a few
users of our batch compiler technology out there, and we would like them to
speak up if
they want to veto this change.

If we do not perform the change, then we internally need to swallow
arbitrary IProblem
and CategorizedProblem, which is causing unnecessary pain.

NOTE: if you are simply using:
then no change is required, since it will get leveraged for free.

This is what IProblemFactory would look like after the change:

package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*;
public interface IProblemFactory {
      CategorizedProblem createProblem(
            char[] originatingFileName,
            int problemId,
            String[] problemArguments,
            String[] messageArguments, // shorter versions of the
            int severity,
            int startPosition,
            int endPosition,
            int lineNumber);
      Locale getLocale();
      String getLocalizedMessage(int problemId, String[] messageArguments);

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