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Re: [jaxws-dev] Java 11 and removal of illegal reflective access operations


On 8/26/19 7:36 AM, Campbell, Peter wrote:

I’m currently using the Eclipse jax-ws-2.3.2 release to support our application for Java 11/12. While everything functions correctly (thank you) we get warnings about illegal reflective access operations from both Java 11 and 12, including that these operations will be denied in a future release.

From the source in GitHub I can see are in the process of upgrading the code for Java 11/12 (e.g. to use modules).

that is correct. At this point our key requirements are to support Java SE 8 and 11. Going forward, the main focus will be primarily to support LTS Java SE versions. Non-LTS, such as 12 or 13, are going to be supported on the best effort basis only.

What I was wanting to know is whether there is a schedule available for a fully Java 11/12 version. Will there be a single release or will functionality (particularly removal of illegal reflective accesses) be available via incremental release.

Unfortunately there is no official GA date for the next incremental release as people were busy with other tasks related to Jakarta EE 8 release. I believe there is going to be at least one incremental release this year bringing some improvements related to Java SE 11 (=at least one reflection access is going to be removed in next few days). We're also working towards making snapshot builds available through repository.


Thanks - Pete


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