I have a project that requires jakarta.activation-api-egh-1.2.1 on one path and the java* version of same on another path. So I had to dissect one and remove the guts to make it work (i.e. no exports).
Such changes need to be coordinated. I can imagine that may be quite difficult :(
So per Lukas’s answer in #56, that is resolved by using jakarta.jws-api-1.1.1.jar, which is the same as javaa.jws-api-1.1.jar, but module name changed from javax.jws to java.jws.
Others on this thread suggested maybe the RT was wrong and meant to say javax.jws, so I think the following question applies to more people than me.
What is the plan with regard to naming convention “java” vis-à-vis “jakarta”
Analogous to above java.jws are jakarta.activation-api-egh-1.2.1 and java* version of same, which are currently identical (they are not yet modular so no collision there), but they export the same things, so you cannot have both.
Which is the proper current naming convention? When a “jakarta*” exists, is that what we should be using and looking to for future updates?
The latest V2.3.2 module requires java.jws
What is java.jws?
Do they mean javax.jws?
I doubt that could be the problem, because that mistake would not likely get very far in testing.
So what is being required here?